Saturday 21 November 2009

Cult Classic #2 - Snuff Box

"If I should die from small pox, put my remains in my snuff box" - what words eh. Probably the first time someone has rhymed "small pox" with "snuff box".

Original run: 6 Episodes in 2006

As the opening song plays (probably the sanest part of this comedy) it sets you up for the most random and wacky comedy experience you'll have for a while. British and American humour collide as Matt Berry and Rich Fulcher play as a hangman and his assistant.

I'm suprised this stayed below the radar when it came out. Only shown late on BBC3. But overtime, and with the popular emergence of Matt Bery and Rich Fulcher, the series is getting more and more hits on Youtube. Anyway check it out, it's a great comedy.


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